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1. Your system-generated User Name shall always be comprised of the first letter of your first name AND all of the letters of your last name. For instance, if your name is Jack Frost, your system-generated User Name will look like this: jfrost (all lower-case letters). NOTE: If you so desire to have a none-system-generated User Name, simply come up with one and type into the provided User Name field. But User Names can't be changed after you've finished the  membership join process. 

2. You DO NOT need use PayPal to pay for your membership! You don't even need to have your own PayPal account. You can use any credit card you want to use. PalPal is our financial services provider. That's why you're seeing the link to PayPay. Whatever credit card company you want to use, just go ahead and click on the PayPal link and you'll be immediately taken to another web page containing links to alternative payment methods, including credit cards, like Mastercard and Visa.

We just wanted to give you all the heads-up. Please, click on the yellow PayPal button when you see it. You need NOT use PayPal or even be a PayPal customer. You can use whatever credit card you desire,  once you click the yellow PayPal button.  Simply follow the links. 

Signup Here!

Commander Rick
Operation Cowboy